Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's happening in MU Sport Management


John Myatt did his presentation on his internship with Ripken Baseball.


The Fayetteville Swampdogs came to speak with SMA 101 about how the Swampdogs operate, and possible internship opportunities. The intro class has also spoken with representatives from the Fayetteville Fireantz and the Fayetteville Guard.

Sport Marketing Class

The sport marketing class has been working on developing a strategic plan for the Fayetteville Area Sports Authority. They presented their plan to FASA, and received a donation to go towards the Sport Management Association.

Barefoot Saddles:

Also,the marketing class has been working on a marketing plan for Brita Rizzi, owner of Barefoot Saddles out of Southern Pines, NC. See Below.

Left to right: Jon Myatt, Robbie Lakeman, Jessica Hatcher, Stacey Vaughn, Brandon Williams, Nicole McLaughlin, Brita Rizzi (owner)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It nice that you posted this update. Glad I found it. Trish Stratus