Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sport Management meeting: Friday: 10/26/07

Hockey Tickets-Fundraising
-Tyler Shaffer and Kanten Harrison are in charge of selling Fireantz tickets
-Half of everything we sell goes back to the club
-We have already sold a lot of tickets, if you are interested in helping sell tickets..talk to Tyler or Kanten about it.

-$15 dollar tickets for $10
-$5 of each ticket goes back to the club
-Also, if you have already sold tickets, make sure to get your money and extra tickets to Tyler by the day before the game...Management wants the extra tickets by no later than 3:00 the day of the game...they become inactive otherwise.

Fundraising ideas
-we need some possible fundraising ideas
-possibilities: Spaghetti at a basketball game???
-Janice needs volunteers for selling food at the Nov. 10th Football game

USC:Nov 15-16
-If you are interested in going, we should already know
-we sent around a sheet for you to put your name down if you are interested
-Tyler and I Jessica are working on a grant proposal for SGA, which will hopefully get us some more money to go.

Next Meeting: Nov. 9th
-If you are going/want to go to conference....you really need to be there
-also, we need volunteers for the cookout on the 10th at the last football game

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